
Musikla is a domain-specific language to create dynamic music and music keyboards.

Command Line

usage: musikla [-h] [-i IMPORTS] [-o OUTPUTS] [--midi MIDI]
               [--soundfont SOUNDFONT] [--print-events]

positional arguments:
  file                  Files to evaluate. No file means the input will be
                        read from the stdin

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IMPORTS, --import IMPORTS
                        Import an additional library. These can be builtin
                        libraries, or path to .ml and .py files
  -o OUTPUTS, --output OUTPUTS
                        Where to output to. By default outputs the sounds to
                        the device's speakers.
  --midi MIDI           Use a custom MIDI port by default when no name is
  --soundfont SOUNDFONT
                        Use a custom soundfont .sf2 file
  --print-events        Print events (notes) to the console as they are


To install, clone the repository. Then go to the code/musikla/ folder and install with pip:

git clone
cd miei-dissertation/code/musikla
pip3 install -e .

Python Dependencies

  • typeguard
  • pynput
  • mido
  • python-rtmidi (requires libasound2-dev (or --install-option="--no-alsa") and libjack-dev (or --install-option="--no-jack"))
  • imgui[glfw] (requires libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev
  • arpeggio
  • pyFluidSynth (required fluidsynth >=1.1.9)

    Note Instead of installing pyFluidSynth from PyPi, we need to use the more up-to-date version (which accepts pulseaudio) from the git repo

    pip3 install git+